Sunday, January 27, 2008


I sit here in our home, we are both just relaxing...well for the most part...we are doing things that are relaxing. My husband is at the computer in the kitchen, and I sit here typing this on our old computer sitting in his chair in the living room. I have to take a moment to be thankful, thankful that he did not give up on me while it took me so long to realize that he was the blessing that I had been praying for.

Don't take life for granted! Keep your eyes wide open, because the best thing in your life might be right before your eyes!

Thank you, babe, for not giving up on me.....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

It turned out...

A success! Well dinner turned out pretty good. I just confessed to my husband that I had actually kind of feared the the recipe's from my "Lidia" cook book might be kind of hard and am happy to see this one was not. Sam reminded me that my cooking skills have improved, which likely made it seem fairly easy to me. I know when my friends read this they will be rather shocked ;o)

Although, they are likely would be more shocked to hear that I now like football!! Go Eagles! But since they did not make it to the big show..."Go Giants"....David took down Goliath!!! Of, course as my husband just reminded me....this is in lieu of the earth opening up and swallowing both teams ;o)

Well, of to relax by the fire!

Welcome world!!!

Welcome!! This is new for me, life has become a wonderful experience over the last few years and I am getting brave about trying new things. Thanks to the wonderful man who is now my husband I am out of the box, and learning so much about life, and what I had been missing. Life can be wonderful. Life- stir in one wonderful man who loves me, add his two beautiful daughters, add one house we are making our home, add the spastic cat named Lucky and you have the makings of my new wonderful life...that I am enjoying. Hm, just a few years ago I had some great friends, lived with my mother and niece in Michigan and did not let myself out of the box, and now I am very happily married, something I never thought would happen in my life, and I am venturing into the world of blogging! Welcome World!!

One thing I'm learning in life is how to cook. Right now, I'm chopping a colossal pile of onions for "Seafood Brodetto with Cous-cous". Okay... we're using chicken, not seafood, because I was too cheap to pay $16.99/pound for Grouper! The recipe is in a new cookbook I got for Christmas, Lidia's Italy, by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich. We saw her on Emeril Live, and we enjoyed her personality and interaction with Emeril. Now, I'm forced (by choice) to grate a stick of cinnamon, due to the absence of ground cinnamon in our house. I knew there was something I was forgetting to buy! For my family's sake, keep your fingers crossed that it turns out!!!